March 5, 2024 - 20 min read

How Can Setting Goals Help You Form a Healthy Habit (6 Reasons)

How Can Setting Goals Help You Form a Healthy Habit.
Nicolas Moore
Nicolas Moore Growth Mindset Expert

Have you ever started an exercise routine all fired up, only to find yourself back on the couch a week later?

Maybe you swore off sugar, then were digging into the cookie jar by Wednesday. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. But why is it so hard to turn healthy choices into lasting habits?

The secret lies with setting goals. Goals do more than just give you something to aim for. They help you:

  • Get crystal clear on what you want to change.
  • Map out the steps to get there.
  • Stay motivated, even when it gets hard.

Let’s dive into how can setting goals help you form a healthy habit that stick!

"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible."

3. How can setting goals help you form a healthy habit? Tony Robbins

The Power of Setting Goals to Form an Habit

Think of your goals as the blueprints for building your new habit. Imagine trying to construct a house without a plan – it would be a chaotic mess! The same goes for our habits.

Goals give us that solid foundation. They turn aimless actions into a step-by-step journey. In this section, we’ll explore just how powerful goal setting can be.

Importance of Goal-Setting

Goals are like a compass for our habits. Here’s why they play such a crucial role:

  • Focus: With a clear goal in mind, you filter out distractions. Suddenly, the endless stream of decisions about what to eat, how to workout, etc., becomes easier. You have a framework to guide your choices.
  • Clarity: Goals bring definition to vague desires. β€œBeing healthier” transforms into a measurable objective like β€œwalk 10,000 steps a day” or β€œeat three servings of vegetables daily.” This clarity prevents slipping back into autopilot mode.
  • Motivation: Our brains love achievement. Goals give you those regular hits of accomplishment as you progress, keeping you energized and less likely to give up.
  • Accountability: A well-defined goal holds you responsible for your actions. It’s harder to rationalize skipping a workout when you have a tangible objective staring you in the face.
Healthy habit goals

Think of it like this: If you want to reach a new destination, you wouldn’t just start walking in a random direction. You’d need a map! Goals are your habit-forming map, helping you navigate the road to success.

Habits and Goals: A Powerful Duo

Goals provide the destination, while habits are the daily steps you take to get there.

If you want to run a marathon, the goal is crossing the finish line. The habit is your consistent training schedule. Think of goals as the blueprint, and habits as the building materials – you need both to make real progress.

Reduce your sugar intake by 50%Replace sugary drinks with water or unsweetened tea.
Increase physical activity.Take a 30-minute walk every day.
Improve stress management.Practice mindfulness or meditation for 10 minutes daily.

By combining clear goals with these small, actionable habits, you create a powerful formula for success!

Identify Your Goals

Now that you understand why goals are important, and the power of combine them with habits, the next step is figuring out what your goals should be. Here’s where some self-reflection comes into play:

  • Start with your β€œwhy”: Why do you want to build this healthy habit? What benefits do you envision? Dig into your motivation: Is it for better health, improved energy levels, a sense of accomplishment? Understanding your β€œwhy” keeps you going when things get hard.
  • Be specific: Avoid vague aspirations like β€œget in shape”. Instead, choose something concrete you can measure, like β€œlose 10 pounds” or β€œrun a 5K.” Vague goals make it hard to track progress.
  • Honesty is key: If deep down, a super restrictive diet feels unsustainable, don’t set yourself up for failure. Aim for goals that fit realistically into your lifestyle. Small, consistent changes are more likely to stick than dramatic overhauls.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

Set goals using habits Lao Tzu

Tip: Try journaling to brainstorm habit goals and reflect on your reasons for wanting them. Seeing your motivations written down can be both clarifying and encouraging!

Strategies Using Goal-Setting to Form a Healthy Habit

Crafting the right goal is a great start, but there’s more to making healthy habits stick.

In this section, we’ll dive into some powerful strategies designed to set you up for success. Get ready to transform your goals into daily routines that feel almost automatic!

1. SMART Goals

You’ve probably heard of SMART goals, but they’re vital for habit-building too. This acronym ensures your goals aren’t just wishful thinking, but a roadmap to success.

  • Specific: Instead of β€œeat healthier,” try β€œInclude vegetables in at least two meals daily”.
  • Measurable: Avoid goals like β€œwork out more.” Instead, aim for β€œStrength train three times per week”.
  • Achievable: Be realistic, especially if just starting out. Smaller goals build confidence for bigger future goals.
  • Relevant: Does your goal align with your overall β€œwhy” for building this habit?
  • Time-bound: Set a deadline, such as β€œLose 5 pounds in one month” or β€œMeditate for 10 minutes daily for three weeks”.
”Get fit""Run a 5K in three months by following a structured training plan and running four days per week."
"Improve my diet""Replace sugary sodas with water or unsweetened tea for the next 30 days.”

2. Implement Micro-Goals

Big goals can be overwhelming, which is where the strategy of β€œchunking it down” comes in.

By breaking down your ultimate goal into smaller, more achievable steps, you’ll maintain motivation and stay on track.

  • Focus on the process: Break down large goals into weekly or even daily micro-goals. If your aim is to run a 5K, a micro-goal could be β€œFollow the Week 1 training plan schedule”.
  • Celebrate small wins: Hitting those smaller milestones creates a rewarding cycle that propels you forward. It makes the bigger picture less intimidating.
  • Reduce decision fatigue: Having a clear plan for your smaller actions lessens the mental strain of constant β€œwhat do I do?” decisions.

Example: If your goal is to consistently cook healthy meals at home, your micro-goals might be:

  • Pick three new recipes to try this week.
  • Grocery shop for ingredients on Sunday.
  • Prep veggies for easy use on Tuesday evening.

3. Tracking Progress

Think of tracking your progress like having a personal cheerleader with a megaphone, reminding you of how far you’ve come.

It’s surprisingly powerful in keeping you motivated during your habit-forming journey. Here’s why you shouldn’t underestimate the value of seeing your results:

  • Visual proof: Habit trackers, journals, or apps let you see your consistency over time. A string of checkmarks or completed workouts is powerful.
  • Accountability: Tracking helps you be honest with yourself. This motivates you to take action and avoid slipping into old patterns.
  • Identifies patterns: Notice if certain days or times are tougher. Adjust your strategies accordingly.
  • Mental boost: Celebrating small wins (tracked in your logs) releases dopamine, fueling further motivation!
Habits and goal setting

Tools for tracking:

  • Habit trackers: Printable or digital, simple checkmarks work wonders.
  • Apps: Options like HabitShare, Streaks, and Habitica are designed for tracking.
  • Journals: Jot down accomplishments and how reaching micro-goals feels.

4. Celebrate the Wins

Imagine seeing a blank calendar at the start of your journey to form a healthy habit. Now envision that same calendar a month later, filled with checkmarks, completed workouts, or notes celebrating small victories.

That’s the power of tracking progress! Let’s look at how it transforms your motivation.

  • Reinforces positive behavior: It links effort to a good feeling, increasing the likelihood you’ll repeat the habit.
  • Builds anticipation: Knowing a reward awaits makes the journey feel more enjoyable.
  • Prevents burnout: Mixing in some fun combats feelings of deprivation or overly strict routines.

Important tip: While food treats are an option, it’s ideal to focus on non-food rewards for healthier habits:

  • Experiences: New book, movie ticket, museum visit, etc.
  • Small luxuries: Bath supplies, a fancy tea, manicure
  • Time for yourself: An hour to read uninterrupted, a longer walk in park/nature

5. Adjust Your Environment

You have the best intentions, but your surroundings can sabotage even the strongest willpower. By strategically adjusting your environment, you eliminate temptations and make the healthy choice the easy choice. Here’s how:

  • Out of sight, out of mind: If tempting snacks are always within reach, it’s harder to resist. Keep them out of sight or out of the house entirely.
  • Accessibility is key: Have healthy snacks prepped and ready to grab. Keep your workout gear in a visible spot as a reminder.
  • Minimize distractions: Find a quiet spot for meditation, or put the phone away during workouts to avoid losing focus.
  • Environment supports the habit: If the goal is more reading, have inviting books out, not the TV remote.

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."

Implement habits and goals Franklin D. Roosevelt

Example: If you want to drink more water, try these environment changes:

  • Keep a full water bottle on your desk at all times.
  • Have a glass of water with every meal.
  • Swap sugary drinks in the fridge for flavored sparkling water.

6. Incorporate Habit Stacking

Imagine if the healthy habits you want could practically build themselves. That’s the power of habit stacking!

By strategically linking new habits to established routines, you create a chain reaction of healthy choices. Let’s explore how to make this super effective technique work for you.

  • Reduces decision-making: Instead of trying to remember new habits, you link them to what you do automatically.
  • Uses existing momentum: Completing one small task creates a β€œdomino effect” that makes it easier to continue.
  • Overcomes inertia: Starting is often the hardest part. With stacking, the first habit gets you rolling.
  • Formula: β€œAfter I [current habit], I will [new habit]β€œ. Use this formula to implement an effective habit stacking


  • After I brush my teeth, I will meditate for two minutes.
  • After I make my morning coffee, I will do ten squats.
  • After I sit down to eat dinner, I will say one thing I’m grateful for.

Common Challenges to Overcome

Even with the best goals and strategies, you might find yourself facing an unexpected hurdle: your own resistance to change. Change can feel uncomfortable, even when it’s something we genuinely want.

Let’s look at some of the other common challenges that can trip you up on your journey to healthier habits.

"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it."

Habits and objective setting Molière

1. Resistance to Change

Our brains naturally prefer the familiar, even when the familiar isn’t serving us well. This makes positive change surprisingly difficult.

Resistance to change might manifest as procrastination, finding excuses to put off starting, or getting overwhelmed by the magnitude of your goal.

You might find yourself downplaying the potential benefits and slipping back into old habits with thoughts like β€œthis is just too difficult”.

Tips to overcome resistance:

  • Start small: Instead of focusing on all the changes needed to reach your goal, begin with one tiny step. This lowers the mental barrier, making things feel less intimidating.
  • Focus on the β€œwhy”: When resistance creeps in, remind yourself of the positive reasons behind your goal. Visualize how good it will feel to achieve success.
  • Be kind to yourself: Change is a process, not a single event. Acknowledge that there will be difficult moments, but that they don’t define your entire journey.

2. Unrealistic Expectations

Setting overly ambitious goals or expecting drastic results quickly is a surefire recipe for discouragement. When things don’t match the fantasy in our heads, it’s easy to feel disheartened and give up.

This could manifest as aiming for perfection, berating yourself for the slightest slip-up, or comparing your progress negatively to others.

Tips to manage expectations:

  • Focus on progress, not perfection: Celebrate small wins along the way. This builds momentum and makes the journey more rewarding.
  • Embrace the journey: Remind yourself that habit formation takes time and consistency. Avoid fixating on a distant goal and getting frustrated when you aren’t there yet.
  • Realistic timelines: Give yourself enough time to make lasting changes. Sustainable, gradual shifts are far more likely to stick than dramatic, unsustainable overhauls.

3. Lack of Flexibility

Life is unpredictable! Unexpected events, changes in schedule, illness, or simply the occasional β€œoff” day can throw a wrench into the best-laid plans.

If your approach to habit building is too rigid, these minor setbacks can derail your entire effort. You might find yourself thinking β€œOne missed workout might as well be a whole week” or β€œI slipped up on my meal plan, so the whole day is ruined”.

Tips for building flexibility:

  • The β€œ80/20” mindset: Striving for perfection sets you up for disappointment. Aim for 80% consistency with your healthy habits, allowing room for the unexpected or the occasional need for a break.
  • Reframing, not quitting: If you do fall behind, reframe it as a temporary blip, not a reason to quit entirely. Focus on picking up where you left off the next day, not dwelling on the slip-up.
  • Have backup plans: If you know there’s a chance your regular workout won’t happen, brainstorm a shorter, easier alternative you can fit in. Similarly, prepare quick, healthy meals you can grab on hectic days when cooking is impossible.
  • Listen to your body: There’s a difference between pushing through and injuring yourself. If you’re truly sick or exhausted, rest is what’s needed, not beating yourself up for missing a day.
Achieve a goal using habits

4. Neglecting to Track Progress

Without some form of tracking, it’s easy to lose sight of how far you’ve come. Days start blurring together, and a lack of tangible evidence can make it feel like you’re not making any headway.

This can be extremely demotivating and lead to a sense of β€œwhat’s the point?”

Tips for tracking effectively:

  • Choose a method that suits you: There are countless ways to track habits: apps, habit trackers, journals, even just a calendar. The β€œbest” method is the one you will actually use consistently!
  • Celebrate milestones: Don’t just track your actions, celebrate reaching mini-goals. This could be a certain number of workouts in a row, hitting a weight loss target, or managing a challenging craving without giving in.
  • Review your progress: Take time regularly (weekly or monthly) to look at your tracker. See patterns, acknowledge your growth, and identify any areas for improvement.

5. No Reward System

Our brains are wired to seek rewards. It’s how we stay motivated! When building new habits, especially those that might be a bit uncomfortable at first, it’s crucial to incorporate rewards.

Without them, sticking to the plan feels less appealing and it becomes easier to slip back into old patterns.

Tips for rewarding your progress:

  • Focus on non-food rewards: Linking your habit success with food can be counterproductive, especially for diet or weight loss-related goals. Instead, think small luxuries, fun experiences, or even time to yourself.
  • Choose rewards that genuinely excite you: A reward that feels like a chore won’t motivate. Find things you truly look forward to earning when you hit those milestones.
  • Match the reward to the goal: Bigger goals warrant bigger rewards. However, small, frequent rewards for micro-goals can keep motivation high in the day-to-day.

6. Giving Up Too Soon

Building lasting habits takes time and consistency. Most people give up too quickly, often right before a breakthrough would have happened.

Impatience and frustration with slow progress can lead to abandoning the goal entirely.

Tips for staying the course:

  • Remember your β€œwhy”: When things get tough, reconnect with the reasons you started this journey. Visualize the benefits achieving your goal will bring.
  • Embrace the process: Focus on the satisfaction of sticking with your plan each day, regardless of how big or small the action is. This builds resilience.
  • Seek support: Having someone who understands your goals, checks in on your progress, and offers encouragement can make a huge difference in keeping you accountable.

7. Lack of Support

It’s significantly harder to make big changes when the people around you aren’t on board.

If you’re surrounded by people who don’t understand your goals, engage in the same unhealthy habits, or even subtly (or not so subtly) sabotage your efforts, it can be incredibly discouraging.

Tips for building your support system:

  • Communicate your goals: Talk to your loved ones about what you’re trying to achieve and why it’s important to you. Ask for their understanding and support.
  • Seek out like-minded people: Find communities online or in-person where people are on a similar journey of healthy change. Sharing experiences and motivation can be empowering.
  • Set boundaries: Sometimes you need to limit time around those who are negative or unsupportive, especially early on when your new habits are still fragile.
  • Find a cheerleader: Whether it’s a friend, family member, or a professional coach, having someone to celebrate your wins with makes a big difference.


Goal setting isn’t just about knowing where you want to end up; it’s about giving yourself the tools and framework to build the healthy habits that get you there.

By using SMART goals, breaking things down into achievable steps, tracking your progress, rewarding your efforts, adjusting your environment, and tapping into the power of habit stacking, you’re setting yourself up for success.

Challenges will inevitably arise, but remember: change is rarely a straight line. Be patient with yourself, focus on progress, seek support and don’t be afraid to start small.

Next Steps

  • Choose one goal: Don’t try to overhaul everything at once. Pick the healthy habit goal that excites you the most.
  • Write it down: Put your goal, and your β€œwhy” for achieving it, somewhere you’ll see it daily.
  • Choose a tracking method: Decide how you’ll track your progress (apps, calendars, etc.) and set aside time to review it regularly.
  • Plan your first reward: What will you treat yourself with when you hit your first milestone?

Your journey to a healthier, happier you starts with a single step. You have the power to transform your goals into reality!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to set goals for your health?

Goals give you a clear target to aim for when improving your health. With a well-defined goal, you can chart a course of action, stay focused on what matters, and celebrate those milestones along the way.

This sense of direction and accomplishment keeps you motivated, especially when making healthy choices feels difficult. Ultimately, goals empower you to proactively build the healthier, happier life you deserve.

How do habits affect your goals?

Habits have a profound impact on whether you achieve your goals or not. Think of your goals as the blueprints and habits as the daily construction work. Good habits provide the consistent, repeated actions that move you closer to the finish line.

Without them, even the best-laid plans remain just that – plans. On the other hand, negative habits can sabotage your goals, constantly pulling you back from the progress you desire.

How will your new habits help you achieve your goals?

Your new habits form the stepping stones on the path to achieving your goals. They break down big, sometimes intimidating, goals into smaller, manageable daily actions.

With consistent new habits, you chip away at your goals consistently rather than through sporadic bursts of unsustainable effort.

Having a clear habit to follow also eliminates the mental energy drain of constant decision-making and helps you stay on track, even when willpower falters.

How do you develop good habits?

Developing good habits takes focus and strategy. Start small with one simple habit tied to your goal. Track your progress consistently to see results and keep yourself motivated.

Reward even small wins to train your brain to enjoy the process. Adjust your environment to remove temptations and make healthy choices easier.

Finally, remember that consistency is key. Don’t get discouraged by slip-ups – just get back on track!

How are goals different from habits?

Goals and habits work together but are fundamentally different. Goals are the desired outcomes you want to achieve – the finish line you envision.

Habits are the repeated actions that get you to that finish line. Think of it like this: your goal might be to run a marathon, while the habit is your daily training schedule.

Goals provide the direction, habits provide the means to get there.

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