February 28, 2024 - 18 min read

Why Developing a Growth Mindset is Important for Leadership w/ Activities

Why Developing a Growth Mindset is Important for Leadership.
Nicolas Moore
Nicolas Moore Growth Mindset Expert

Have you ever wondered why some leaders thrive in the face of challenges, while others seem to crumble? A key factor could be a growth mindset. This way of thinking opens up incredible potential for both personal achievement and inspiring strong leadership.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • The difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.
  • Why a growth mindset is crucial for effective leadership.
  • Simple activities to start building a growth mindset in yourself and your team
  • How to overcome obstacles and develop the skills necessary for a leadership growth mindset.

Let’s get started!

Why Developing a Growth Mindset is Important for Leadership

The world of growth mindset and leadership is ever-changing. To navigate these challenges successfully, a growth mindset is essential. This mindset is based on the belief that your abilities, talents, and intelligence can always be developed further.

Growth mindset leadership

A leader with a growth mindset sees setbacks as opportunities and welcomes feedback and learning as a constant journey.

Understanding Growth Mindset on Leadership

The foundation of a growth mindset leadership development lies in understanding that your leadership skills are not set in stone. You can evolve your methods, learn from experiences, and build new abilities – both as an individual and within your team.

Essentially, a growth-minded leader believes that:

  • Challenges are opportunities: Embracing challenges leads to innovation and personal growth.
  • Effort is key to mastery: Hard work, thoughtful strategies, and seeking guidance lead to improvement and success.
  • Feedback is a tool: Feedback, even criticism, provides valuable information for self-reflection and development.
  • Inspiration is everywhere: Success stories of others fuel motivation and a belief that anything is possible.

A growth-minded leader takes a proactive role in their own evolution and the evolution of those they lead.

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

To fully understand the power of a growth mindset in leadership, let’s compare it to its counterpart – the fixed mindset. This contrasting way of thinking can severely limit your potential as a leader.

Here’s a table outlining the key differences between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset in leadership:

CharacteristicGrowth MindsetFixed Mindset
View of Intelligence and TalentBelieves skills can be developedBelieves intelligence and talent are innate and unchangeable
Response to ChallengesSees challenges as opportunities for growthAvoids challenges for fear of failure
EffortValues effort as a path to successBelieves effort is pointless if you lack natural talent
FeedbackWelcomes feedback as a tool for improvementTakes feedback personally and views it as criticism
ObstaclesViews obstacles as temporary setbacks and focuses on finding solutionsSees obstacles as proof of their limitations

Importance of a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset isn’t merely a “nice to have” quality in a leader – it’s vital for success in today’s rapidly evolving world. Here’s why:

  • Adaptability: A leader with a growth mindset embraces change as an opportunity to learn and refine strategies. This adaptability is essential in facing unexpected challenges.
  • Resilience: Setbacks are inevitable. Leaders with a growth mindset approach these situations with determination, focusing on solutions rather than getting discouraged.
  • Innovation: Growth-minded leaders actively seek out new ideas and encourage experimentation. This fosters a culture of innovation and willingness to step outside of comfort zones.
  • Team Development: A leader with a growth mindset sees the potential in each team member and empowers them to develop their skills. This leads to a highly motivated and engaged team.

In short, a growth mindset is the key to staying competitive, navigating challenges, and inspiring those around you. If you want to be a truly impactful leader, a growth mindset is non-negotiable.

Benefits of Growth Mindset for Leaders

The power of a growth mindset for leadership isn’t just theoretical. It leads to real-world, tangible benefits. Here are some of the most significant advantages:

  • Enhanced Problem-Solving: Growth-oriented leaders see problems as puzzles to be solved rather than insurmountable roadblocks. They foster a collaborative approach to finding solutions.
  • Stronger Relationships: By viewing feedback as valuable and valuing the development of others, leaders with a growth mindset build trust and foster deeper connections within their teams.
  • Increased Confidence: A growth mindset cultivates confidence through the ongoing process of learning, adapting, and overcoming challenges. This confidence radiates to teams, inspiring them to take bold action.
  • Greater Career Success: Research consistently indicates that growth-minded individuals achieve more success across various fields, including leadership.

Students who received a growth mindset intervention over an academic year improved their math grades by an average of 3-4 percentile points compared to the control group. (Source: American Psychological Association)

Put simply, a growth mindset helps you become a leader that people want to follow. It unlocks hidden potential, propels you forward in the face of obstacles, and makes you a powerful force for positive change in your team and organization.

Leadership Activities to Promote a Growth Mindset

Transforming your mindset is one thing, but putting it into practice is where the real magic happens. The following activities are designed to help you actively cultivate a growth mindset, both for yourself and your team.

These exercises provide a structured way to break down limiting beliefs, embrace challenges, and ignite a passion for continuous improvement.

Leadership mindset and personal growth.

Let’s start with some ways to build your own growth mindset as a leader…

Individual Growth Mindset Activities

Developing a strong growth mindset begins with you, the leader. These activities are designed for individual reflection and focused development to help you embody the principles you’ll want to inspire in your team.

  • Reframing Mistakes and Failures: Instead of dwelling on mistakes, dedicate time to analyzing them. Ask yourself:
    • What specifically went wrong and why?
    • What could you have done differently?
    • What’s the key lesson for the future?
  • The Power of “Yet”: When a negative thought pops up (like “I’m not a good public speaker”), simply add the word “yet.” This transforms negativity into a reminder that growth is an ongoing journey.
  • Targeted Skill-Building and Challenges: Identify a skill relevant to your leadership role that you’d like to improve. Actively seek resources (courses, mentors, etc.) and dedicate time to developing it.
  • Reflection and Journaling: Set aside regular time for a thought download. Reflect on recent challenges, successes, and key learnings. What does this tell you about your growth as a leader?
  • Growth Mindset Scrapbook: Start a physical or digital scrapbook where you collect:
    • Inspirational quotes about perseverance and learning
    • Success stories of people who overcame obstacles
    • Personal “wins” – positive feedback, challenges you’ve faced, moments of growth

Tip: Choose one activity to start with. Focus on consistency for a few weeks, then add more activities to your growth toolkit.

Team-Based Growth Mindset Activities

As a leader, you have the power to shape the culture of your entire team. These activities foster a collaborative environment where everyone feels empowered to learn, grow, and support each other on their journeys.

  • Celebrating Progress & Effort: Don’t just acknowledge the final result; regularly highlight individual and team progress towards goals. Discuss what worked well and recognize the effort put in, regardless of the outcome.
  • Team-Based Learning Projects: Assign projects that require your team to learn new skills or tackle unfamiliar topics together. Encourage collaboration, knowledge sharing, and celebrating the learning process itself.
  • Growth Mindset Book Club: Choose a relevant book on growth mindset (like Carol Dweck’s “Mindset”) and have regular discussions. Focus on how insights can be applied to your team’s work and challenges.
  • ”Mistakes Party”: Create a safe, fun space where team members share a past mistake and what they learned from it. Emphasize the value of missteps as opportunities for learning and innovation.
  • Peer Mentorship: Pair team members with different strengths. Encourage them to learn from each other, try new approaches, and give each other feedback focused on growth.

Companies with a growth mindset culture tend to have more engaged employees. In fact, a recent study found that 47% of employees at growth-minded companies were “highly engaged,” significantly higher than average engagement levels. (Source: Carol Dweck)

Obstacles for a Growth Mindset as a Leader

While embracing a growth mindset offers incredible benefits, the journey isn’t always without its challenges. It’s important to recognize common obstacles.

Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is a normal human experience, but it can be particularly detrimental to anyone trying to cultivate a growth mindset.

  • Reframe Failure: Instead of viewing failure as an endpoint, see each setback as a data point, providing information on what to adjust or learn for your next attempt.
  • Focus on the Process: Shift your focus from the outcome to the effort and learning process itself. Did you develop new skills, try a new approach, or acquire insights that wouldn’t have happened otherwise?
  • Small, Calculated Risks: Start by taking small, low-stakes risks to build confidence. Successes at a smaller level can help you tackle more significant challenges.
  • Find a Support System: Surround yourself with people who believe in you and celebrate your efforts, regardless of the outcome.
  • Visualize Success: Practicing positive visualization and seeing yourself overcoming a challenge can reduce anxiety and build determination.
Growth mindset leader.


Perfectionism is the relentless pursuit of an unattainable ideal.

  • Challenge “All or Nothing” Thinking: Perfectionists often see things in black and white. Focus on aiming for good enough instead of flawless, recognizing that progress beats stagnation.
  • The 80/20 Rule: Identify the 20% of your effort that yields 80% of the results. Focus your perfectionist drive on that key part and let the rest be less polished.
  • Set Deadlines and Stick to Them: Don’t let projects drag on with endless tweaking. Set deadlines to force yourself to release work that may not feel “perfect.”
  • Celebrate Imperfections: Look for opportunities to publicly acknowledge mistakes or imperfections. This normalizes the fact that everyone makes them and that they’re part of growth.
  • Talk to Yourself Kindly: Replace harsh inner criticism with self-compassion. Ask yourself, “Would I say this to a friend?”

Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk is that harsh inner voice that can undermine your confidence and limit your growth.

  • Identify Your Triggers: Observe what situations, tasks, or people tend to trigger your negative self-talk.
  • Challenge the Thought: Ask yourself questions like “Is this thought helpful?”, “Is there evidence to support this?”, or “What would I say to a friend in this situation?”
  • Reframe Negativity: Replace negative statements with more realistic and empowering ones. For example, instead of “I’ll never get this,” try “This is challenging, but I’m learning.”
  • Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you’d give a friend. Remember, mistakes are part of growth.
  • Focus on Gratitude: Shifting your focus towards what you’re grateful for can displace negative thought patterns.

Resistance from Others

Not everyone will immediately embrace your growth mindset journey, especially within an existing team or organization.

  • Lead by Example: Embody the principles of a growth mindset in your own leadership. This is the most powerful way to influence change.
  • Start Small & Celebrate Wins: Highlight small successes, both your own and those of others, who have demonstrated a willingness to learn and grow.
  • Involve, Don’t Dictate: Encourage participation from your team in identifying growth opportunities and solutions. People are more likely to support change they’ve helped shape.
  • Empathy is Key: Try to understand where the resistance is coming from. Is it rooted in fear or lack of understanding? Address concerns directly and respectfully.
  • Patience & Persistence: Changing an existing culture takes time. Don’t get discouraged by setbacks, keep promoting the benefits of growth, and remain a positive force.

Required Skills in a Growth Mindset and Tips in How to Develop Them

While a growth mindset is a powerful belief system, it’s these skills that help you translate it into action as a leader:

  • Self-Awareness: The ability to honestly assess your strengths, weaknesses, and emotional triggers. This is crucial to identify areas for growth and make targeted improvements.
  • Resilience: Bouncing back from setbacks with a renewed determination to overcome them and learn from the experience.
  • Open-Mindedness: A willingness to consider new ideas, perspectives, and approaches, even if they differ greatly from your own.
  • Embracing Feedback: Actively seeking feedback from various sources (team, mentors, etc.) and viewing it as a valuable tool for improvement rather than a personal attack.
  • Learning Agility: The ability to learn quickly, adapt to new information, and apply knowledge to new situations and challenges.
Leadership and growth mindset.

Here are some activities and tips to develop the key skills that support a growth mindset:


  • Regular Reflection: Set aside time for journaling or self-reflection prompts. Look for patterns in your successes, challenges, and reactions to different situations.
  • Feedback Surveys: Create an anonymous survey for team members to provide constructive feedback on your leadership style.
  • Personality & Strengths Assessments: Take assessments like Myers-Briggs, DiSC, or StrengthsFinder to gain insights into your personality and natural strengths.


  • Gratitude Practice: Focus on the positives by keeping a gratitude journal or regularly listing three things you’re thankful for, even after a difficult day.
  • Reframe Setbacks: Instead of dwelling on a setback, brainstorm alternative strategies or ways to approach the situation differently.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge even the smallest steps forward to build your confidence and resilience.


  • Play Devil’s Advocate: Purposefully argue the opposite side of an issue to develop empathy and a greater understanding of different perspectives.
  • Diverse Collaboration: Seek out projects where you work with people with very different backgrounds and skillsets.
  • ”Beginner’s Mind”: Approach a familiar topic as though you know nothing about it, fostering curiosity and reducing assumptions.

Embracing Feedback

  • Ask for Specifics: When receiving feedback, don’t just nod along. Ask for specific examples and actionable suggestions.
  • ”Thank You and…”: Instead of getting defensive, respond to feedback with “Thank you for sharing that, and can you tell me more about…”
  • Follow Up: Implement changes based on feedback and let the person know what you did. This shows you value their input.

Learning Agility

  • Online Courses & Workshops: Take advantage of readily available online learning platforms to explore new topics and skillsets.
  • Stretch Projects: Take on a project outside your comfort zone to push your learning boundaries.
  • Mentorship: Find a mentor in an area you want to grow, and actively observe and seek their guidance.


Cultivating a growth mindset is a transformative process that unlocks incredible potential for both personal and leadership development.

While it may take time and practice, the benefits are well worth the effort. Remember, growth isn’t about being perfect – it’s about dedication to continuous learning and improvement.

Next Steps

  1. Understand the Mindset: Familiarize yourself with the concepts of growth mindset vs. fixed mindset. Recognize the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.
  2. Start with Individual Activities: Choose some of the individual growth mindset activities to develop your own ability to embrace challenges and learn from setbacks.
  3. Foster a Team Culture: Select activities designed to promote a growth mindset within your team, celebrating progress and creating a safe space for learning.
  4. Tackle Obstacles: Be prepared for challenges like fear of failure, perfectionism, or resistance. Use the strategies we’ve discussed to overcome them.
  5. Be Patient & Persistent: Changing your mindset and leading a cultural shift takes time. Celebrate success along the way and remain a champion of growth.

Embracing a growth mindset isn’t merely a good idea – it’s the key to becoming the best leader you can be. Where will your growth mindset journey take you?

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m already busy. Can I really afford to spend time on growth mindset activities?

Think of a growth mindset as an investment. The time spent may seem like a sacrifice now but will yield increased efficiency, problem-solving abilities, and an engaged, innovative team down the line.

How long does it take to see the benefits of a growth mindset?

You’ll likely see small shifts in your own thinking and attitude quickly. More significant changes in team culture and leadership outcomes can take longer, but the rewards are cumulative as growth-minded habits become ingrained.

My team has a very fixed mindset culture. Is it even worth trying to change it?

Absolutely! Start by consistently modeling a growth mindset and celebrating those who display a willingness to learn, regardless of how small. Your actions as a leader have significant influence, even if it takes time to catch on.

What if I struggle with my own negative self-talk or fear of failure?

This is completely normal! Remember, a growth mindset is about recognizing that growth is a process. Be kind to yourself as you challenge old patterns and embrace the opportunity to become more resilient over time.

Quiz Time!

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